Hotel Capri
Hotel Capri


Notes, comments and particular requests

Privacy policy

Information on personal data processing The following information is given pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, "Personal Data Protection Code". 1.The data you supply will be processed in order to carry out your tourist booking from the website 2.The data will be processed with manual and/or with computerised instruments that can save, manage and transmit the said data. 3.Data communication is obligatory in order for the booking to be completed. 4.The Data Holder, responsible for processing, is SIg. Nicolò Dabalà of the company S.I.G.A.T. S.r.l. owner of the Hotel Capri, with head office in Santa Croce 595/A - Telephone +39 041 2752300 - email 5.At any time, you can exercise your rights towards the Data Holder, pursuant to article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, which for your convenience we transcribe in full: 1. The person concerned has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence or non existence of personal data regarding him/her, even if not yet registered, and has the right to obtain their communication in an intelligible form. 2. The person concerned has the right to obtain information on: a) the origin of the personal details; b) how and with what purposes these details are used; c) the logic applied in case of processing through electronic instruments; d) the identity of the holder, the person in charge and the assigned representative as per article 5, comma 2; e) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal details can be communicated or those who can become acquainted with them as appointed representatives in the territory of the State, or as delegates and people in charge. 3. The person concerned has the right to obtain: a) the update, the correction, and, where applicable, the integration of the data; b) the cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form, or the blocking of data used in violation of the law, including any details whose conservation is not necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and subsequently treated. c) evidence that the acts covered in letters a) and b), as well as their content, have been communicated to the parties to whom the personal details were passed on, apart from the cases where such fulfillment proves to be impossible or would require the use of means overtly disporportionate with respect to the protected right. 4. The person concerned has the right to oppose, in whole or in part: a) to the use of the personal details which concern him, with legitimate reason, even if pertaining the purpose of their initial collection; b) to the use of personal details which concern him, and whose purpose is sending advertisement or direct sales material as well as for the fulfilment of market research or commercial communication.
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